Friday, June 29, 2012

Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths

Jerusalem:  One City, Three Faiths

            Jerusalem: sacred to all three of the major monotheistic faiths, a site of controversy, violence and abuse of the sacred, a place of contradiction.  Karen Armstrong, in her book, Jerusalem:  One City, Three Faiths, describes thousands of years of history of this city, a history filled with bloodshed.  With good reason, Jesus wept over the city, saying, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you.” (Matthew 23:37a)  Jerusalem has been conquered and reconquered, repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt.  Periods of relative peace have been just that, relative and short lived.

            The city of David and home to Solomon’s Temple, it is holy to Jews.  The place of Jesus’ final days and resurrection, it inspires faith in Christian.  It is also considered holy to Muslims as one of the three holy cities proclaimed by the prophet Mohammad and the site where Mohammad is said to have been transported before his ascension into heaven.  It is the same God, the one God, yet differences in beliefs about this one God have led to on-going controversy and bloodshed.  As is so often the case, people take that which is holy and try to use it for political and monetary gain. This happens repeatedly in Jerusalem.

            The story of Jerusalem is a story of sacred geography, how some places seem closer to God.  As Armstrong explains in her first chapter, “At this date (1800 BCE), all cities were regarded as holy places, an alien concept for us in the modern West, where the city is often experienced as a godforsaken realm in which religion has an increasingly marginal role.  But long before people began to map their world scientifically, they had evolved a sacred geography to define their place in the universe emotionally and spiritually.  Mircea Eliade, who pioneered the study of sacred space, pointed out that reverence for a holy place preceded all other speculation about the nature of the world.  It is to be found in all cultures and was a primordial religious conviction.  The belief that some places were sacred, and hence fit for human habitation, was not based on an intellectual investigation or on any metaphysical speculation into the nature of the cosmos.  Instead, when men and women contemplated the world about them, they were drawn irresistibly to some localities which they experienced as radically different from all others.  This was an experience that was basic to their view of the world, and it went far deeper than the cerebral level of the mind.  Even today our scientific rationalism has not been able to replace the old sacred geography.  As we shall see, ancient conceptions of holy topography still affect the history of Jerusalem and have been espoused by people who would not normally consider themselves religious.” (pp. 7-8)

It is also a story of myths and symbols which can bring meaning to a place.  Jerusalem has been a site of pilgrimage for centuries, from the early Jews going to the Temple to worship, to Christians walking the path that Jesus walked, to Muslims journeying to Haram where Mohammad is said to have ascended to heaven.

            There have been great leaders, David, Solomon, Saladin, as well as mediocre leaders, weak leaders, corrupt leaders and unwise leaders.  Unfortunately, one great leader does not mean those who follow will be equally great.  Site of the brutal killings of the Crusades, it was not the Christian crusaders who exemplified Christian values of mercy but a Muslim, Saladin who showed mercy to those of other faiths.  “Christians in the West were uneasily aware that this Muslim ruler had behaved in a far more ‘Christian’ manner than had their own Crusaders when they conquered Jerusalem.  They evolved legends that made Saladin a sort of honorary Christian.” (p. 294) 

            Armstrong states in her introduction:  “It is not enough to experience the divine or the transcendent; the experience must then be incarnated in our behavior towards others.  All the great religions insist that the test of true spirituality is practical compassion.  The Buddha once said that after experiencing enlightenment, a man must leave the mountaintop and return to the marketplace and there practice compassion for all living beings.  This also applies to the spirituality of a holy place.  Crucial to the cult of Jerusalem from the very first was the importance of practical charity and social justice.  The city cannot be holy unless it is also just and compassionate to the weak and vulnerable.  But sadly, this moral imperative has often been overlooked.  Some of the worst atrocities have occurred when people have put the purity of Jerusalem and the desire to gain access to its great sanctity before the quest for justice and charity.” (p. xxi)  In this area, all three of the faiths making claim to Jerusalem have failed.  

            Armstrong does not speculate about the future of Jerusalem, just takes us through the history to the present day.  In doing so she gives us insights into the differences among the three faiths that inhabit the city and how we have come to our current impasse.  Perhaps someday this city of three faiths under one God, might show us the way to peace, how to live together respecting the beliefs of each faith, recognizing our connection under one God.  Then it truly would live up to its name as being holy.

Copyright June 2012, Robertson

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Psalm 27: The Lord is my Light!

July 1, 2012                 Psalm 27:  The Lord is my Light

 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27               Psalm 27          2 Cor. 8:7-15               Mark 5:21-43

I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining.
I believe in love, even when I don’t feel it.
I believe in God, even when he is silent.
Some claim this is an Irish saying, others that it had been written on a wall by a Holocaust victim.  Whatever you believe, this is a profound statement of faith, belief that the sun exists, even when I don’t see it, that God is present, even when I don’t feel God's presence or hear his voice.

Our psalm for today is also a statement of faith.  Written in two parts, it begins with a statement of faith, “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?” and ends with another statement of faith, “I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!  Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; yea, wait for the Lord.” (13-14)

The first part is a psalm of thanksgiving and confident trust in the Lord.  The writer thanks God for divine guidance and protection.  God saved him from the wicked (2) so that even if an army were to surround him he would not fear (3).  The writer takes joy in God’s sanctuary where he contemplates the beauty of God and spends time in prayer.  His desire is to do this always (4).  He trust that God will keep him safe (5) so with confidence he will sing God’s praises (6).

Then there is an abrupt shift to a lament.  The writer goes from confident trust to crying for help.  “Hear O Lord,” he cries.  From saying his whole desire is to dwell in the Lord’s house, he shifts to saying I seek your face, do not hide from me (8-9). Even his mother and father have forsaken him (10).  He has no one to turn to but God.  False witnesses have risen against him, threatening him with violence (12).  He prays that God will lead him in right paths in order to be free of his peril (11).  Yet he trusts in the Lord (13-14), that God will prevail.

Why are two such different psalms joined together?  In prayer, it is good to start with praising God and giving thanks for all God has already done, then turn to God in confidence with your request.  Life is a mixture of joy and sorrow.  Times of celebration are tinged with sadness; hope is found in times of trial.  Yet faith remains.

In our reading from second Samuel, we hear David sing an elegy to Saul and Jonathan.  David weeps over the death of Saul who sought to kill him.  The young man who brought the information of Saul’s death, claims that he was the one who finished the king off, at Saul’s beseeching.  Saul was suffering and wanted out of his suffering so what the young man did was a mercy killing.  However, in the account of Saul’s death at the end 1 Samuel, we hear Saul asking his armor bearer to kill him lest he be caught by the Philistines.  His armor bearer refused to do this so Saul fell upon his sword, killing himself.  Perhaps the young man bringing news of Saul’s death expected to be rewarded for the news.  Saul had been David’s enemy.  Now that he was gone the road to being king was clear.  However David did not rejoice at Saul’s death.  The young man was rewarded with his own death.  What some perceived as good news, was received with sorrow by David as he mourned his friend Jonathan, and the king, Saul.  David’s grief is great.  He cries, “How the mighty have fallen!”  How indeed.  David, because of his faith, recognizes the fickleness of earthly power and so doesn’t rejoice in the death of the king.

Our gospel reading holds a story within a story.  While on the way to heal Jairus’ daughter, a woman sick for years with a hemorrhage that made her unclean was healed by touching Jesus’ cloak.  Both are about miraculous healings, but what is more miraculous is the faith of the individuals.  Jesus tells the woman with the hemorrhage, “Daughter, your faith has saved you.”  While on the way to the synagogue leader’s home, he is told that his daughter has already died.  Jesus’ response was, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.”  The message is that those with faith will experience miracles.

Paul, in our reading from 2 Corinthians, is seeking funds to help the Christians in Jerusalem who are in poverty.  It is a request for faith; faith that if they give now out of their abundance, if they are ever in need, they will receive as well.  “Your surplus at the present time should supply their needs, so that their surplus may also supply your needs, that there may be equality.  As it is written: ‘Whoever had much did not have more, and whoever had little did not have less.” (Exodus 16:18)  Paul quotes from Exodus about the distribution of manna each day, a reminder of how God provided for the Israelites in the desert and will provide for the needs of God’s people.  So we are to have confident trust in God to provide.

In The Silver Chair, the fourth book of C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, the children visit an underground world.  The witch who presides over the world through enchantment tries to lead them to believe that all they knew of the world above was made up, not real.  She says, “you have seen lamps, and so you imagined a bigger and better lamp and called it the sun.  You’ve seen cats, and now you want a bigger and better cat, and it’s to be called a lion. . . and look how you can put nothing into your make-believe without copying it from the real world, this world of mine, which is the only world.” (pp153-4)  In response, Puddleglum, a Narnian, says, “One word.  All you’ve been saying is quite right, I shouldn’t wonder . . .But there’s one thing more to be said, even so.  Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things—trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself.  Suppose we have.  Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. . . I’m on Aslan’s side even if there isn’t any Aslan to lead it.” (p. 155)  Puddleglum chooses to believe.  He makes a leap of faith.  He believes in the sun, even though he doesn’t see it; he believes in God, despite evidence to the contrary. 

The psalmist says - the Lord is my light.  What does that mean?  What does it mean to have God as our light?  The prophet Isaiah tells us, “No longer shall the sun be your light by day, nor the brightness of the moon shine upon you at night; The Lord shall be your light forever, your God shall be your glory.  No longer shall your sun go down or your moon withdraw, for the Lord will be your light forever.” (Is. 60:19-20)

This sun that we see, is but a pale reflection of the light that is God.  In the New Jerusalem, God will be the light, a light that we can’t imagine.  As great as the sun is in comparison to a lamp, so great is our God in comparison to the sun.  And so we are to have faith, follow our God, wherever God may lead.  We are to trust in the Lord.  “I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living,” our psalm tells us.  Not just in the next life, but in this life, we see God.  We see God’s goodness every time we witness an act of kindness, an act of reaching out of ourselves, putting others before ourselves.  We see God’s goodness all around us if we have eyes to see.

The Lord truly is our light, a light that shatters the darkness.  While in this life we have lesser lights to help us see.  We are guided by the sun during the day, the moon and stars at night, artificial lights/lamps as well.  We walk by faith during dark times, but someday we will see God as God truly is and walk in his light.  And so we have confidence to say, I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining.  I believe in love, and I believe in God.

Copyright June 2012, Robertson

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Psalm 26: To Walk with Integrity

June 17, 2012                          Psalm 26:  To Walk with Integrity
1 Samuel 15:34-16:13             Psalm 26          2 Cor. 5:6-10, 14-17                Mark 4:26-34
Have you ever been falsely accused? Have you ever been a victim of a mistaken identity or a stolen identity?  Or charged the wrong amount of money, or charged for something you never ordered, or overcharged because of human error or computer error?

Chances are all of us have experienced one of these at some time, especially as we deal with the quagmire which is our health care system, charges, over charges, billing mistakes and insurance errors.  Through no fault of your own, you are forced to repeatedly seek to clear your goon name by clearing up the mistake.

I’ve recently had to deal with a billing error from over a month ago.  It was not my mistake, yet I’ve had to make repeated phone calls to get it straightened out.  For all of our trusts in computers, they have also created problems as well.  Once information is entered, even incorrect information, it can be hard to change it depending on the software.

Ten years ago when my daughter got her first cell phone, she was a minor so it had to be put in my name. The inexperienced salesclerk at Radio Shack entered my name as Patricia Patterson.  I caught the mistake but not before it had been entered into the computer system.  Several years later when doing a routine credit check I saw, aka Patricia Patterson on the form.  I had an alias.

When I ordered a magazine subscription over the phone in February, the person taking my order entered my name as Robinson.  The order went through on my credit card despite the wrong name.
When my car was towed to Extreme Dodge back in March, they entered my name as Patricia Robinson.  I corrected them several times however they could not change it once it was in the system.
So now I have another alias.

Mistaken identity, billing errors are quite common in this computer age of ours.  For one who has been wrongly charged with anything, Psalm 26 is for you.  It’s a simple lament of someone wrongly charged seeking justice.  Not a lament over ill health or other dire straits, not a request for healing but for justice.  It is general so it could be used by any number of individuals who may not have the poetic ability to make up their own prayer.  It could also be used by a group in prayer.

The psalm begins with a plea for help, for vindication for he has been falsely accused.  He states how he has walked in integrity without wavering, following God’s commandments and trusting God.  He asks God to test him, confident in God’s steadfast love and that he has been faithful in following God’s ways. (vs. 1-3)

In verses 4-5 he provides evidence of the sincerity of his faith, how he avoids the company of evil doers.  Verses 6-7 seem out of place as the writer is still in the midst of presenting his case before God.  Chances are verses 6-7 belongs more appropriately at the end of the psalm, expressing the writer’s confidence that his prayers will be heard and giving thanks in advance to God.  However it is possible that the writer is referring to a ritual hand washing as a way of enforcing his innocence.  In verses 8-10 the request is renewed.  He pleads for his life so that he may continue to enjoy his chief delight which is spending time with the Lord in his house.

The psalm concludes by restating his opening petition, how he continues to walk with integrity, not only that, he believes that his present perilous path will become smooth - his foot stands on level ground.  He is firm in his conviction that he has done no wrong and so God will redeem him.

There are no words of humility within the psalm; he doesn’t humbly acknowledge his sin because there is no sin in this situation.  It almost sounds like the words of the Pharisee in prayer at the front of the Temple proclaiming his righteousness while the publican remains on his knees in the back humbly asking for mercy, which raises the question, is the writer righteous or self-righteous?  How do we tell the difference?  There can be a thin line between true righteousness which knows we are in the right,   and self-righteousness that is unable to recognize any wrong-doing.

The self-righteous are unable to acknowledge their sinfulness.  They think they are better than others and so deserving of better treatment.  There can be a danger in praying this psalm that we might fall into self-righteousness.  But there is a time and place for the righteous who are wrongly accused to stand up for themselves, confront the false charges and request redress for the wrongs.  Ours is not a wimpy religion where we never stand up for ourselves.  If we are wrong, we are to admit our failings, but when in the right we need to confront injustice.  Wise are those who know the difference.

Who is the righteous one?  We have already seen in previous psalms and in the prophet Micah, the righteous one is the one who walks humbly with our God.  Is the writer one of these?  The psalm begins and ends with this statement of his faith; that he walks with integrity so that now he knows he is on firm ground where God is concerned.   A person of integrity is one who lives as he believes; there is no conflict between his words and his life.  In the case of the writer, his integrity is rooted in his faith. 

This week we saw a return to tv of the popular nighttime soap, Dallas, with JR Ewing, the man you loved to hate.  I used to watch each week just to hear JR’s great one-liners.  My favorite was:  “once you lose your integrity, everything else is a piece of cake.”  It says so much about integrity and the importance of it.  With it, you lead a righteous, moral life, without it, your morals are gone, you are set down a path of wrong doing and ill-gotten gain, with no thought about the repercussions of your actions, whether they are right or wrong.

In our reading from 1 Samuel, the story continues.  Last week the people had asked for a king so Samuel gave them what they had asked for, anointing Saul as the first king of the Hebrew nation.  But Saul proved to not be up to the requirements of leadership.  God was displeased with him so in our reading today God instructs Samuel to anoint another king, hence enters David, the young shepherd boy.  God’s spirit departs from Saul, leaving him melancholy and enters David.  We know the story, how David kills Goliath gaining favor and reputation and is invited into Saul’s courts where he soothed Saul’s spirit with his music and befriended Saul’s son, Jonathan.  And how Saul became jealous of David and sought to kill him. 

David’s journey was not an easy journey in any sense of the word.  He knew what it was to be falsely accused of wrong doing and persecuted as Saul hunted him down.  He also knew of his own sinfulness and when confronted with his sin, repented and asked for forgiveness.  He may have strayed at times; he was not immune to the temptation to abuse his power, yet overall, in the beginning and the end, he walked with his God.  As long as he stayed on God’s paths his feet were on firm ground and he was righteous before the Lord.

So who is the righteous one?  How shall we know him?  By his fruits we shall know him.  Jesus in Mark today tells two parables about a seed.  In the one the seed is planted and grows, through no power of our own but through the power of God.  In the other the small mustard seed grows into a tree, not a mighty oak or a Cedar of Lebanon, but a mighty tree none-the-less.  The righteous person, the one with integrity who walks with God faithfully, will bear fruit just by being who he is.  He will bear great fruit just by being true to God’s word.

Paul tells us today, we walk by faith, not by sight. We may not know where we are going in this life, many times the path is dark, but this doesn’t mean we crawl out of fear; that we have to be afraid and hesitant.  Rather, in that we walk with the Lord, we walk in confidence even when the way is dark.

This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day, a good time to remember the righteous men in our lives, men of integrity who were true to themselves, true to their word, who taught us through example how to stand up for what is right in this world, to be strong, yet gentle, to walk humbly with our God.  It is a good time to thank them for their witness to us, for teaching us how to walk with integrity ourselves through their example. 

While in this world, we walk by faith, not by sight, but in that we are walking with our God, we are on firm ground wherever we may go, wherever this life may take us.

Copyright June 2012, Robertson

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Psalm 25: Teach Me Your Ways

June 10, 2012              Psalm 25:  Teach Me Your Ways
1 Samuel 8:4-11, 16-20           Psalm 25          2 Cor. 4:13-5:1            Mark 3:2-35

As you sow, so shall you reap.
Beware the yeast of the Pharisees.
Consider the lilies.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Every valley shall be exalted and every hill laid low.
Fear not.
Give and gifts will be given to you, good measure, packed together, shaken down and overflowing.
Happy are the poor in spirit, the kingdom of heaven is yours.
Into your hands, I commend my spirit.
Justice and peace shall kiss.
Know that I am with you.
Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Many that are first, shall be last.
Now is the kingdom.
Only in God is my soul at rest.
Peace I leave with you, peace that the world cannot give.
Quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
Take no thought for tomorrow.
Under his wings you find refuge.
Victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
You alone are Lord.
Zeal for your house will consume me.

We are in the midst of graduation season, with ceremonies filled with speakers trying to pass on words of wisdom to help the graduates live their lives from this way forward.  Often speakers will use catch phrases or pithy sayings or quotes.  What you have above is a rough form of an acrostic of Scripture passages, words worth passing on to graduates.  The older I get, the more steeped in Scripture, the more I find these words, written thousands of years before I was born, to be a source of help and inspiration.  Recently, as I listened to accounts of more scandals in the Vatican, in the Catholic Church, I remembered Jesus’ words, “Do everything they (the Pharisees) tell you, but do not act like they do.”  In other words, just because religious leaders do not live up to their teachings, it doesn't mean the teachings are worg.  Timely words, all these years later.  If there was a perfect church out there, I guess I would consider joining, but I’ve yet to find that perfect church so I stick with the imperfect church that we have, following Jesus’ words and actions. 

Our psalm for today is an acrostic lament.  Acrostic poems in Hebrew literature take a variety of forms.  The most common form is to begin each line with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  Some forms might have couplets or three verses each beginning with the same letter of the alphabet then progressing through the alphabet.  Psalm 119 is a masterpiece of acrostic poetry as there are 22 stanzas, within each stanza every line begins with the same letter of the alphabet.

In choosing an acrostic format, the writer is limited in some aspects, as with other forms of poetry.  While the psalm is a lament with a focus on repentance and forgiveness, the verses do not fit tightly together with a unifying theme.  In many ways it is like a collection of wisdom sayings joined loosely together through the acrostic format and under a general theme of repentance and trust in God. 

Another aspect of some acrostic psalms is the addition of an extra verse at the end, beginning with the letter pe, as we see in this psalm.  This way the psalm begins with aleph, in the middle at the 11th. verse is lamed and ends with pe, creating aleph, another literary device, found in Psalm 34 as well.  However Psalm 25 is not a perfect representation of this form of poetry.  One letter waw, is missing.  Perhaps it was corrupted in translation over the centuries, still it is close enough to warrant the name acrostic.  (if you noted in my “acrostic” I took liberty to leave out X – no words beginning with x in Scripture, following example of this psalm.)

It’s a literary device lost in translation for we have nothing comparable.  If I were to teach a class on Hebrew poetry, I would assign students to write an acrostic using our alphabet, as I attempted.  Acrostics were often used as a teaching device.  Since the written word was not common at that time, Hebrews relied on memorization of verses. This is a mnemonic/memory device making it easier for students to remember.  Often it may be used to connect a variety of wisdom phrases.  While the overall tone of our psalm is a lament, you can see aspects of wisdom material in the passages. The reason for the lament is not evident.  The psalm is more of a general one to be used by anyone in a time of distress seeking God’s help.  It can be divided into three parts:  verses 1-7 speak of the writer’s personal relationship with God; verses 8-15 deals with God’s relationship with people; then in verses 16-21 it reverts back to the individual relationship and his petition.  Verse 22 is inserted to connect the psalm to Israel.

At the heart of the psalm to me is verse 4 – teach me your ways, Lord.  Who is wise?  He who would be led by God, who has the humility to be teachable, to admit he may not always know everything.  Such are the wise.  Unfortunately sometimes before we can know the right path, we first have to see the wrong path.  Our readings for today give us ample examples of wrong paths, of those who think they are wise, but are not.

In our reading for 2 Samuel, Israel is at a critical juncture.  They have been led by judges, appointed by God, but now they want a king.  They go to Samuel and ask him to appoint a king to rule over him.  Samuel is affronted by their request, perhaps because he is worried about his sons continuing after him, or perhaps out of a genuine concern that they are being disrespectful of God.  Samuel is not blameless in this.  Samuel has led well but his sons have not, they have taken bribes and were more concerned about their own personal gain than justice.  The people did not want to be ruled by them, with good reason.  We have already seen in 1 Samuel another example of children not following their father’s example.  Eli’s sons were corrupt; hence Samuel was appointed judge over the people. 

Samuel goes to God and complains about the people’s request.  God tells Samuel to give them what they want, but to let them know what they are in for if they have a king.  Neither Samuel nor the people show themselves to be wise.  The position of judge was not an inherited one; judges were chosen by God to lead.  Samuel gave positions of power to his sons who proved unworthy of his trust.  The fact of being born to a judge did not mean they would be worthy to lead.  Samuel could have learned from the situation with Eli and removed his sons from power, and looked for individuals more worthy to lead, but he didn’t.  The people, for their part, instead of asking for a king whose sons would inherit, could have simply asked God for other judges, but they didn’t.  Instead they looked around at other nations and thought they wanted what these other nations had, a king, instead of appreciating what they did have.  The grass is always greener . . .  Little did they realize what they were asking for.

In our gospel from Mark, we see more lack of wisdom.  Jesus’ own family is unable to recognize who he is or accept him.  He is drawing attention to himself and causing embarrassment to them.  They try to get him back into the fold, calling him crazy, but Jesus, unlike Samuel, doesn’t give into his family, following God’s will first and foremost.  As Jesus, the great Teacher tells us today, “whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”

The scribes, religious leaders, said Jesus was possessed.  They who were steeped in Scripture study, were unable to accept Jesus—all their learning was a liability, keeping them from knowing God.  As one commentator states, “The fact is, when we become ‘at home’ in our religious assumptions, when we become convinced we know who God is and what God is about in this world, we are in danger  of being incapable of fresh perception of God’s new directions in our midst.  Sick religion is worse than no religion at all.” (Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary, Year B, After Pentecost 1, p. 52)

True wisdom is open to how God might be working now in our lives, not in the past.  Knowledge of how God has worked in the past may be helpful but can also get in the way, as it did for the scribes who were incapable of believing anything new, accepting Jesus.

True wisdom recognizes that the things of this world are but transitory, that even though this earthly tent may be destroyed we have a heavenly dwelling that can never be destroyed.  True wisdom is not discouraged even as our body may seem to be wasting away with age, as Paul tells us in Corinthians.

We learn from the past but we live in the present.  True knowledge is always seeking out God’s ways, seeking to follow his path even when it takes you down a road you did not expect, recognizing that “all the paths of the Lord are faithful love.” And so it is good to wait for the Lord, as our psalm instructs, to humbly ask God to be our teacher, leading us in right paths until He leads us home to him.

Copyright June 2012, Robertson